Supporting Professionals

Talkback, from its inception in 1998, to the current day, has strived to create an inclusive professional environment. One that steers and challenges mainstream thinking with regards to disability and autism. Our engagement with people in support services and community now influences nationally.

How we work

We gather a diverse range of people’s voices and help them express their views. So we can influence positive change, both in their own lives and in their community. Because we ensure the voices of those we engage with are heard by statutory and non-statutory services. Our advocacy services include Care Act Advocacy and Community Advocacy. As well as an Experts by Experience programme and Easy-read service.

For professionals we offer

Consultation Services for businesses, education providers and the wider community. As well as helping organisations who commission development. Such as Councils, Social Care providers and local Health Services.

And we are experts in our field.

Your Voice

We have over 21 years of experience working in Buckinghamshire and roots in self-advocacy. Your Voice works to give people self-confidence and self-esteem. As well as a voice.

We support people to think about what their life is like and how they would like it to be. As well as checking if there’s anything missing. 

We work for and with people with learning disability or autism. Our roots are in self-advocacy and this has allowed us to develop consultancy support around a whole range of life solutions.

We build self-confidence and self-esteem to enable people with a learning disability and autism to:

  • Use skills, thereby enhancing their quality of life
  • Be as independent as they are able and want to be.

Because we want to see respect for all people with a learning disability and autism.

Outcomes we have seen

  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Decreased social isolation
  • Engagement in the planning and development of statutory and non-statutory services
  • Increased engagement in and around their local communities
  • Informed choice making
  • Network of social and life skills groups
  • Voices feeding into local/national government, health and support providers. So as to effect positive change in quality of life

What we offer professionals

Consultancy and research around areas of:

  • Care Act and community advocacy
  • Co-production and consultation
  • Community engagement
  • One off consultancy services
  • Life-long support services
  • Co-facilitated training for frontline services
  • Expert by experience and quality checkers
  • Self-advocacy workshops
  • Health passports
  • Easy read

Hidden Hurts Study

Talkback was commissioned by Buckinghamshire Council in March 2020 to conduct a study into the relationship between DVA and learning disabilities and/or autism. More specifically, the objectives of the study were:

  1. To establish the nature and scale of DVA issues related to people with learning disability and/or autism, whether they be victims or perpetrators. This should cover both those with relatively minor learning disabilities and those with severe learning disabilities.
  2. To identify how relevant services currently provide for learning disabilities and/or autism and DVA issues, and to make recommendations for improvement.

Download the study:

If you’d like to find out more and understand how we can help you or your family member or your organisation, then just get in touch.

Supporting Professionals

Our work extends beyond helping people we meet. We also work around the subject of learning disabilities and autism to help organisations understand their impact. As well as what they can do to manage this. So, we ensure that the voices of those with whom we engage are heard. By both statutory and non-statutory services. Our services include Care Act advocacy and Community advocacy. In addition, our professional services include:


Our service is wide-ranging and looks into areas such as domestic abuse and bereavement. Because there is currently little provision of services for people with learning disability and autism

Community and Individual Engagement

Through working groups in the community, we gather people’s experiences. So, we provide feedback to professionals and Councils on a whole range of subjects that touch on their lives. As well as the effective use of resources and how to fill gaps in provision.


Our service is designed by people with learning disabilities and autism. It is based around the core principles of co-production, as described by the Social Care Institute for Excellence.

Learning Disability and Autism Training

We provide a range of training courses. They are designed for professionals, shops on the high street and online, commercial businesses. As well as statutory bodies. So they can help and understand people with learning disabilities and autism.

Advocacy and Self Advocacy

Advocacy helps to understand each person’s needs, thoughts and feelings. So we can ensure they receive the right information and advice. And self advocacy is about helping them represent themselves well.


We work alongside other organisations and the people we help. We campaign for the rights of people whose voice is often ignored.

Spot Purchase

We are available for spot-purchase activity around consultancy, The Care Act and Community Advocacy. In addition, we often take part in Care Treatment Reviews, working on behalf of the people we support.

Quality Checking and Experts by Experience

Our Quality Checkers are people with a learning disability or autism who assess services and provide effective feedback. In order to promote inclusion and development.

Easy Read

Turning any document, website or information into a format where they are easy to read for people with a learning disability or autism.

Autism Training

Autism Training Our Your Voice service extends beyond helping people we meet. We also work around the subject of learning disabilities and autism to help

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Beating The Bug

For many with learning disabilities and/or autism, this cruel interruption to their routine will be extremely stressful. For their support workers too, it’s a time

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Life As a Support Worker

So, it’s a bitterly freezing February Monday morning and you’re stood in a field full of goats as the gale lashes sideways into your face, causing your eyes to stream and your nose

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