What changes would you like to see?

Take a look at this video of a family with an autistic child visiting Watford Football Club. We know Watford isn’t in Bucks but bear with us.

This video shows the impact of a football stadium having a sensory room for people with autism. The impact of this provision for the child and their family is immeasurable and they won’t be the only family to benefit from this. Watch if for yourself to see what we mean.

Now imagine if every football stadium in the country offered a similar facility. Imagine if when thinking about their services or organisations every business or organisation gave a thought to the different needs their customers had and provided one thing or made one change that could help. But how would they do this? How would they know what change they could make that could have a positive impact? How would they even know where to start?

Well, this is where the development of the Buckinghamshire All-Age Autism Strategy would come in. A local strategy like this can help to instigate changes that could benefit the autistic people who live here. But we must help. Only by getting involved and giving our views on local services, can we help Buckinghamshire Council identify the changes we would like to see made.

If you haven’t done so already, please give your views on our survey or by attending one of our online or in person workshops. You can do this here.