The Talkback Advice Bureau website is live!

We are delighted to announce that our Talkback Advice Bureau (TAB) website is live and providing much needed help and advice for local autistic people and those with learning disabilities.

Created by our Your Voice team, and funded by Red Kite Housing, the TAB website provides access to much needed advice and support, whilst being completely accessible. This means that autistic people and those with learning disabilities can access the website and the information for themselves. In partnership with Stay OK, TAB also links to this wonderful easy read website providing advice on how to stay safe, at home or whilst travelling.

Sure Pigott, Your Voice Engagement Manager, talked us through how they created this much needed website:

“Headers and Navigation, Breadcrumbs, and Wire frames… All these words are not ones I often use at Talkback. But, as it turns out, they are essential to building a website.  So, working with the Your Voice Team, we set about looking at what we needed to include.

Where to start?

Our initial thought for this project, was that people with learning disabilities often find information hard to find. So we had to make sure that you could easily find the contact details for support, taxis, voluntary positions, internships, as well as hobbies.  So an easy to use website was needed.

Finding your way around the site

Navigation’ had to be accessible, all that double clicking on a mouse isn’t always easy, so we’ve made it only one click away for every topic and the following page. There is also a link to support and guides on how to stay safe online, which we felt was very important.

What to include?

We’ve found some interesting sites to include, all of which offer specific services that autistic people and those with learning disabilities can use and although they may still need some support, at least they can access the site initially.

How should it look?

The design of the webpage and logos were researched by members of our Your Voice team – Nicola and Caroline – and even Equip members got involved designing the logo of the Talkback Advice Bureau.  A big shout out to Andras Levai for helping us with this and sharing his talents.

We can’t thank Simon Clay, at Sly Design, enough. He turned our dreams into reality and created this website – he really does have the patience of a saint!

We are very proud to launch our TAB website and we hope that it helps to support people in Buckinghamshire, to find the information that they need.”

Visit the TAB website here