Our Services

We are on a mission to offer autism and learning disability services to people, providing the opportunity for continued personal development. So they can build meaningful friendships and create the confidence to embrace new experiences. No matter what their age. Because each person that walks through our doors will be given the tools to thrive. And that’s in whatever aspect of their life they choose.

Our Programmes

Our autism and learning disability services programmes are always constructed around the individual. So we help them create their own pathway. These include:

Evidence Based Outcomes

We have a broad range of different services. Above all, they are designed to ensure that people living with a learning disability and autistic people have the chance to flourish. However, one thing remains true for everything we do. And that’s the need to support our work with evidence that it drives the right outcomes. All our work is formalised in key documents and is measured to show tangible outcomes. And we don’t just provide things for people to do. We provide a journey that people can take. Above all, focused on creating the very best outcomes they can achieve.

We deliver Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) programmes in all our college work and have an outstanding success rate working alongside the tutors at colleges. The attainment of the EHCP targets in community living and education can be life transforming.

Because of this, we prepare Individual Learning Programmes for everyone we help. So we can consistently monitor progress and have meaningful targets for people to aspire to. Because we find that’s the best way to make a long-lasting change and create meaningful outcomes.