Home » COVID-19

Welcome Back
Talkback have been gradually reopening services and we are pleased to announce we are still operating online and virtual services. We continue to have great online sessions in dance, yoga, art, and movement, as well supporting members on Talkback TV our YouTube site.
As of January 4th 2021, with the announcement of the UK National Lockdown, our venues are closed however we are still operating online and virtual services for our students and members.
When our venues reopen:
Talkback would like to reassure all students, members, parents, staff and business partners that we are following the Public Health guidance issued by the Government and its agencies.
We confirm that we have taken completed the ‘FIVE STEPS TO SAFER WORKING TOGETHER’ to manage the risk of COVID 19 as per government guidance by:
- Completing a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here
- Having a cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance including hiring professional cleaners on our sites to ensure frequent cleaning throughout the day
- We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work safely from a COVID-19 Secure workplace or work from home
- We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
- Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have ensured at least a 1m distance and taken all the mitigating actions possible to manage transmission risk
- Trained staff on how to keep safer and our members safer
- Creating space in all the buildings we work in, so that one way systems and social distancing can be maintained
- Ensuring we have a COVID 19 Response Plan so that we can act fast if we ever are faced with a positive case.
Our documents and resources can be viewed below:
Talkback Covid Secure Risk Assessment
Talkback Member Briefing 03 Sept 20
Our COVID Secure Tours of our building can be viewed below:
Talkback Digital
Talkback operates a range of virtual sessions to help those affected by Covid-19. To find out more about these and to get in touch please follow the links on our Talkback Digital Page