Thank you to our volunteers

Today marks the start of Volunteers’ Week. At Talkback, we rely on a team of wonderful volunteers who support our services and help our members.

We’d like to start this week by saying thank you for the work you do. Talkback would not be the same without you.


We’re always looking for volunteers to help support our work and the continual development of our amazing members. But it’s not just our members that get something valuable from it. Volunteering has been proven to be beneficial to the volunteers themselves.

Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment, offering opportunities for personal growth and development. It can help build new skills and lead you to face new challenges and situations. It’s also a great way to make friends.

If you have a passion for drama, an interest in the arts or woodwork skills. If you could help others to use public transport, develop IT skills or handle social situations. Then we would love to hear from you.

Find out more here.