Thank you for giving your views

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to participate in our surveys and workshops to gather feedback on how local services are working for autistic residents. This feedback will be submitted to Buckinghamshire Council, to help guide Buckinghamshire’s new All-Age Autism Strategy.

In the end, we hosted nine 1-2-1 sessions with organisations representing 1,500 members across Bucks and sixty-six people attended our group sessions. We held eleven individual 1-2-1 sessions and had 354 responses to our online survey.

We have talked to some amazing people. Autistic teenagers and adults who are trying to get sufficient support for themselves. Parents at both the beginning and towards the end of their journey trying to gain enough support for their children. And professionals who really want to achieve better outcomes for all.

We received many different comments. These include how autism can be misunderstood, as well as suggestions as to how problems could be avoided and managed differently.

The detailed findings of this consultation will be presented to Buckinghamshire Council next month. We will continue to passionately advocate for all autistic adults and children in Buckinghamshire.