Talkback tackles employment – Julia’s new job!

We wanted to share some wonderful news from Ian Rowlands, in Supported Employment, who has been working with one of our members, Julia, since April.

“I’ve been working with Julia since April this year. She had previously had a couple of voluntary roles but never a paid job. At our first meeting, she told me she was particularly interested in working or volunteering in a care home.  Well, now she is!

“We have worked closely with Chartwell Manor Care Home in Aylesbury, who have created a bespoke ‘General Assistant’ position for Julia. She will predominately be helping to run activities for the residents, as well as assisting with laundry and catering.

“She has started doing 8 hours a week (2 shifts of 4 hours) and this is paid work. We are then planning to increase this to 16 hours per week (4 shifts of 4 hours) in the New Year.

“I went in to visit Julia yesterday at the home and she was buzzing with excitement!”

We’re so delighted to hear this news. Congratulations and good luck with your new job, Julia!

We offer a wide range of employment programmes that cater for all ages and abilities. From training, through to work experience, supported internships, and support to maintain paid work; we aim to break down barriers that hinder access to paid employment for people with a learning disability and autistic people. You can find out more about our employment service here.