Some Christmas fun with the Talkback Vlogmas

Get ready for a bit of fun. Talkback style.

We know it’s only early December but here at Talkback we have already started to feel a bit festive. And as with everything we do at Talkback, we like to take a different perspective.

Nicola Martin has put her creativity to some good use and with help from Sue Pigott, Tony Flower and the whole of the Talkback team, has produced some wonderful vlogmas videos and blogs to give an insight into what Christmas is actually like for autistic people or those with learning disabilities. We hope they help you get in the Christmas spirit and most importantly make you smile. So here’s the first one…

If, like us, you’ve just done battle with your Christmas tree lights, you might like this.  We’d like to say a big thank you to our Reading CAMEO group for being really good sports and letting us film them getting the Christmas tree ready. Enjoy!