More charities benefit from Bucks Autism Strategy survey

Earlier this year, Buckinghamshire Council asked up to seek feedback on how local services are working for autistic residents. This feedback would be used to help guide Buckinghamshire’s new All-Age Autism Strategy.


For each person who submitted their views we promised to donate £1 to a charity of their choice. We’re delighted that, with the help of Buckinghamshire Council, we have been able to donate more than £4,000, spread among 44 charities.

We want to highlight each of the very special causes you have helped us to donate to and so have produced some videos to do just that, here is the second, which looks at the money raised for:

Chesham Community Fridge

Epilepsy Society

FACT Bucks

Florence Nightingale Hospice 

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Heart of Bucks

Horizon Sports Club



The Aylesbury branch of the National Autistic Society


One Can Trust

Over a month, we hosted nine 1-2-1 sessions with organisations representing 1,500 members across Bucks and sixty-six people attended our group sessions. We held eleven individual 1-2-1 sessions and had 354 responses to our online survey.

Thank you so much for taking the time to give your views and enable us to also help these worthy causes.