
Help support Talkback whilst you shop

Talkback are part of the Co-op’s Local Community Fund.

We are delighted to have become part of the Co-op Local Community Fund.  Because this means that Co-op members can now raise money for Talkback every time they do their shopping. Any funds raised will go towards helping us set up a youth club in Amersham.

How does it work?

For every £1 members spend on Co-op branded products and services, they are given 2p to support a local cause of their choice. And Talkback has been chosen as one of these local causes.

Since 2016, Co-op members have raised £84 million for over 25,000 causes. So, we have the opportunity to use this brilliant initiative to raise as many funds for Talkback as possible.

How can you help?

You can select Talkback as your chosen cause if you are already a Co-op member.  Any money that you spend on Co-op products will then result in a donation for Talkback. So long as you swipe your membership card!

If you’re not a Co-op member, you can sign up for just £1 at Then you can start raising funds for Talkback straight away.

Happy shopping!