Heart of Bucks grant helps support the Talkback Advice Bureau 

We’d like to say a big thank you to the Heart of Bucks for awarding us a grant to help support the work of our Talkback Advice Bureau (TAB).


TAB is designed for adults aged 25 and over who have learning disabilities or who are autistic. Our aim is to help them to find the right support and services in Buckinghamshire.

Whether it’s financial advice, accessing medical services or navigating public transport, our team listens to the challenges people are facing and helps them find the information they need.

Over the last year, TAB has dealt with 85 enquiries, helping these people access the information they need. These were sometimes seemingly small issues, but being able to talk these through in a safe space made a world of difference to those we supported. This service has given many people the knowledge and skills to live more independently.

We have also begun the creation of our Talkback Advice Bureau website, collating all the information autistic individuals and people with learning disabilities and their parents or carers might need.

This money provided by the Heart of Bucks will help us to continue the valuable work TAB does in the community.

You can find TAB every week on a Monday (except Bank Holidays) in High Wycombe, 2-4pm at the Front Room Café. Just pop in to see us or visit our website for more information.

Heart of Bucks is a community foundation that raises funds across Buckinghamshire to then distribute money directly to local causes. Heart of Bucks operates to ensure any form of philanthropy, whether from an individual or an organisation, is effective and brings the greatest benefit to those in need across Buckinghamshire. Since Heart of Bucks began in 2000, the charity has awarded £10m to local causes and are proud to be one of 47 members of UK Community Foundations.