
Good News Story – Darron’s Leap

A story highlighting the wonderful achievements of Darron, a Talkback member. With perseverance and a positive outlook, we can achieve without limits.


Darron has made an incredible journey recently. Initially Darron did not feel comfortable speaking on the phone however now he is feeling confident enough within a couple of months to join a Disco Dance session and show us all what a fantastic dancer he is! Staff never gave up on him and knew he could do it. Darron has made a big step in joining a whole group for the ‘Wind down for the Weekend’ session where he has been relaxing to calming mindfulness. He’s now joining the disco session regularly and obviously having a fantastic time. What an achievement!

In the initial weeks of lockdown Darron’s mum fed back that all the contact and support we have been providing has meant that he never feels alone. We are so proud to see Darron active, happy and enjoying the sessions with friends!