Give your views on Buckinghamshire Council’s draft Autism Strategy

Buckinghamshire Council have opened a consultation on their draft Autism Strategy.

Last year, the Council held a series of community outreach events to learn which issues are most important to autistic people and their families, and the professionals who work with them.

From information they gained at these events, the Council have drafted an autism strategy for Buckinghamshire.

They now want to hear from people about whether they’ve got the strategy right. The consultation on the strategy is now open, and the Council wants to hear from autistic people, their families, friends, work colleagues, employers, and anyone whose professional or voluntary work involves the care, support or education of autistic people.

It’s important the Council hears from as many people as possible so, if you can, please give your views.

The survey is available in three different forms:

  • General online survey
  • Youth-focused online survey
  • Easy read survey

You can access the online survey and easy read version here.

The youth survey can be found here.

The consultation closes at midnight on 24 September.