Angelo’s artwork displayed for all to enjoy

Last month our extremely talented Your Voice member, Angelo, kindly donated a piece of his artwork to Milton Keynes University Hospital (MKUH).

Jenny O’Farrell-White, Senior Fundraising Lead at MKUH, was delighted to receive this piece which was donated by Angelo and they are looking forward to putting it up on display in the hospital. Your Voice member, Angelo, is passionate about sharing his artwork with others and has also donated a painting to The Church of Christ the Cornerstone. We have been really pleased to be able to support Angelo by helping him to arrange to donate pieces of his art, another of which is pictured below.

For a chance to see more of Angelo’s work, as well as that of many talented local artists, visit Project Space at MK Gallery before 30th April to view their A for Artist Exhibition.

MK Gallery have worked with a wide range of organisations* who advocate for autistic adults, those who are neurodiverse and adults with learning disabilities across Milton Keynes to put this exhibition together.

In celebration of Autism Acceptance Month, this exhibition showcases a diverse range of work by talented artists from across the city, embracing the brilliance of difference. Find out more here.

*Organisations involved, include: Talent Unlimited, Camphill MK Communities, Macintyre, MK SNAP and Phoenix Rising.