Don’t just take our word for it

We were absolutely blown away to receive this wonderful testimonial from Jason, an MK member we have been working with.

Jason is an excellent speaker and we have been working with him, to give him a platform where he can share his experiences with other people.

Jason said:

“I can’t thank Talkback enough for giving me the opportunity to work with them. The process of working through my experiences and putting them into words has been like therapy to me and has been invaluable in the journey my family and I have been on since my daughter and my own ASD diagnosis. Being given the honour of speaking in public has made my world a much less lonely and isolated place and inspired confidence in myself and hopefully in turn, others. My heart has been filled with hope for the neurodivergent community.

Your Voice Engagement Manager, Simon Steed, has been working with Jason, he commented: “Jason is an excellent speaker and helps others think about how they should act. It’s wonderful to hear these words from him, I found them extremely humbling.”

We will continue to work with Jason to reach more people in MK to educate them about autism and give others a chance to talk about their diagnosis.